What is Stock/Share market? how to earn from stock market

What is Stock/Share market?

What is the stock market?

The stock market is a centralized marketplace, where buyers and sellers trade shares of publicly listed companies. Here's a detailed explanation:

Market Basics:

1. Shares/Stocks:

Represents ownership in a company.

2. Stock Exchange: 

A platform where stocks are bought and sold.

3. Listed Companies:

Firms that have issued shares available for public trading.

4. Investors: 

Individuals or institutions buying/selling stocks.

Brokers: Facilitate trades on behalf of investors.

5. Companies: 

List shares to raise capital.

Primary vs. Secondary Market:

  • Primary Market: Companies issue new stocks through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).

  • Secondary Market: Subsequent trading of already-issued stocks among investors.

6. Major Exchanges:

Examples include the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) and NASDAQ.

7. Global Exchanges:

Different countries have their own exchanges (e.g., LSE in the UK, and TSE in Japan).

8. Stock Indices:

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), S&P 500, NASDAQ: Common benchmarks representing overall market performance.

9. Bid Price: 

The price a buyer is willing to pay.

10. Ask Price:

The price a seller is willing to accept.

11. Spread:

 The difference between the bid and ask prices.

Market Orders vs. Limit Orders:

12. Market Order: 

Execute a trade at the current market price.

13. Limit Order: 

Specify a desired price; trade only if that price is reached.

14. Retail Investors:

Individual investors.

Institutional Investors: Large entities like mutual funds, pension funds, and hedge funds.

15. Risks and Rewards:

  • Risk: Stock prices can be volatile; investments may lose value.

  • Reward: Potential for capital appreciation and dividends.

16. Cash Payments: 

Some companies distribute profits to shareholders.

17. Yield: 

Dividend income relative to the stock's price.

Stock Analysis:

18. Fundamental Analysis:

Examining a company's financial health, earnings, and growth potential.

19. Technical Analysis

Analyzing price charts and trading volumes.

Market Regulations:

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Regulatory body overseeing U.S. securities markets.

Listing Requirements: Criteria companies must meet to be listed on exchanges.

Market Trends:

20. Bull Market: 

Rising prices and investor optimism.

21. Bear Market:

Falling prices and pessimism.

Understanding the stock market involves considering economic indicators, company performance, and investor behavior. It's a dynamic system where various factors influence stock prices, making it crucial for investors to conduct thorough research and stay informed.

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